CFM 2025
Coupe de France de Monocycle 2025

Help Translate

The text and translations of the various pages of this site have been made by many volunteers.
Do you want to see this site translated into your language?
Do you see some text or translation mistakes that you want to help correct?
Do you think that a page is confusing, and would like to make it better?

How can you help?

  1. Sign up to be a translator
  2. Translate some text from English into your language of choice
  3. Submit your translations through the translation system
There is no obligation to translate everything, any contributions are greatly appreciated.
After submitting the translations, they will appear on the live site within 24-48 hours (after approval).

How to get started?

Sign Up as a translator

Note The translations occur on a separate site, so that they can be reviewed before being published here on the main registration site.

Note We are continually making changes to the site and its contents, and thus there are frequently new and changed texts which need translating.
We may periodically send out updates to the translators asking for them to review new text and submit new translations.